BLACK TOURMALINE is a must-have in your crystal collection. You can never have enough Black Tourmaline in your home or office for protection. We are talking about protection from other people, negative energies in general, and especially electronics and 5G, which are very harmful unseen rays.
Black Tourmaline is a blocker. It deflects electromagnetic smog from cell phones, computers, and all electronics. I also love that Black Tourmaline deflects toxic people in your life—those sending you the evil eye of jealousy. Bigger is better regarding Black Tourmaline's effectiveness, but you can always start with a small piece by your desk, which can be helpful until you can afford a more significant piece.
*Raw black and green tourmaline are rare, and I have one amazing piece. Green Tourmaline is a powerful healing stone that helps bring harmony to one's heart by balancing and stabilizing the heart's energy field.
AFFIRMATION: "I am protected. I am lucky. I am wealthy in every aspect of my life."
*A must-have in your crystal collection