Are you on a sacred journey? NAG CHAMPA is sacred incense traditionally made in Buddhist and Hindu Temples in India and Nepal. It became popular during the hippie era and spread to Westerners seeking Enlightenment. Each temple's recipe is a closely guarded secret. The combination of Sandalwood and Frangipani and other secret blend essences creates an earthy aroma.
Nag Champa was created for ceremonial practices. It uses light to purify the space. It energetically transforms the environment into a meditation place of manifestation, naturally clearing out negativity and replacing it with positivity. Faith and prayers rise to the heavens. If you are not in a relationship and wish to be in one, Nag Champa can help shift your energy to be more receptive.
During this transitional time of the Aquarian Age and shifting into Feng Shui Period 9, we can all benefit from rising to a higher vibration to accomplish the work we are here to do.