APATITE is a beautiful blue crystal new to the Good Karma Shop. Apatite is a motivator. It activates the throat chakra, aiding in communication and self-expression. Apatite is also the stone of manifestation and promotes humanitarianism. Serving others and the planet raises one's vibration.
Blue Apatite raises you to a very high level of spiritual guidance. It is known for its psychic activation, which allows one to access knowledge and enhance one's ability to see multiple levels of consciousness operating harmoniously at the same time. For spiritual healers, this is the stone used for past-life work.
Apatite facilitates public speaking and enhances group communication. This crystal heals the heart and emotional dis-ease. Blue Apatite is excellent for balancing yin-yang and raising kundalini energy. Other qualities needed right now include easing sorrow, apathy, and diffusing anger. It reduces irritability and overcomes emotional exhaustion.
For hyperactive and autistic children, place Apatite in their rooms for healing energy.
BONUS: helps you lose weight!
AFFIRMATION: "I am motivated to express myself clearly to manifest everything I desire."
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