heart centering

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SERAPHINITE is a spiritual energy used to connect with the highest order of angels.

Not for everyone, but if you are on a path of transformation, working with Seraphinite is like working with the Seraphine angelic realm. This energy is joyful and peaceful. It gently lifts away any emotional energies that no longer serve us so that we can feel emotionally free and at ease. It reminds us to be more flexible and to react to situations more positively. 

They come from Siberia, and when I bought this new collection at the Denver show, one source told me the mine was now closed, making these valuable to your collection. These are high-vibrational, unique crystals. They make excellent healers.

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This is my seller from Russia telling me why she loves Seraphinite so much.
*angel feather patterns


    • spiritual energy
    • connects with the highest order of angels
    • be more flexible
    • creates a sense of order
    • helps you live from the heart
    • heart centering
    • great healing stone
    • allows you to control people in a positive way
in your meditation space, on your desk, anywhere you spend a lot of time
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