Find 52 "Shopping for Nirvana" spirited adventures in these card decks.
A part inspirational memoir, part visual scrapbook, and part indispensable travel guide to the universe, these travel cards chronicle my global adventures. I never dreamed I'd discover spiritual lessons through objects I purchased, experiences I had, and people I encountered, but now I know that nirvana can be found in the least likely places, so I invite you to come shopping for nirvana with me. Toss my travel cards in your suitcase and have a super trip!
The idea came to me many years ago in Hong Kong. I was shopping at the Shanghai Tang uber-chic store, and the only items I could afford were the green tea room spray and a colorful deck of cards showing me the places to go and things to see while in the city. I used these cards for my adventures and, since then, wanted to create my unique card deck, replacing the typical guidebook. These cards are my creation in response to the value and fun I had with that first Hong Kong deck.
The Travelcard deck, Shopping for Nirvana,features 52 spirited adventures around the globe.